Fight Evictions, Empower Tenants

No eviction without representation! It's time for Miami-Dade County to level the power imbalance between landlords and tenants in eviction court.​

No matter how much money someone has, every tenant deserves to have a fair opportunity to defend themselves in court in order to stay housed.

Every year, between 12-15,000 tenants in Miami-Dade County face an eviction. Only 3% of tenants have access to an attorney, while 98% of all landlords filing the evictions do. In U.S. cities with programs and policies that increase legal counsel access for tenants facing eviction, most tenants were able to remain in their homes. Supporting families facing eviction with free legal representation at a critical time in their lives has proven to be an effective safeguard against evictions and empowers tenants to fight and educate each other about their rights.

My message for the tenants out there is to never give up on your rights, seek help, legal help. Organizations like the Miami Workers Center, and the lawyers associations were a great help for me and my family. We were able to stay home because of them.

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Miami is in a housing crisis. Our voices as working-class Black and Immigrant tenants should not be silenced. We are who make Miami run! Share your experiece and let’s raise our voices in unity. Housing is a human right!

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Our Stories


“Respetan los derechos que los niños vivan dignamente en una hogar.”

Erica was forced out of her home for not paying a $300 rent hike, despite her and her family living with mold and roach infestations for years; conditions neglected by their landlord.

Erica cares for her 10-year-old daughter and 10-month-old granddaughter. At her eviction hearing, where she had to represent herself in court without language interpretation or legal counsel, she lost – without a place for her and her family to go.


The need for legal representation for tenants in Miami-Dade County is extreme. Less than 1% of us can afford to hire an attorney. To solve the housing crisis in Miami, let’s start by stopping all unnecessary evictions.”

Fawn’s abusive landlord physically assaulted her neighbors, cut off her utilities, and threatened her and her neighbors when they exercised their rights. An illegal eviction was filed against her and has yet to be stricken from her record. When tenants don’t have access to free legal counsel, landlords across Miami are able to get away with abusing us, violating our rights, and preventing us from being able to find future housing. 

Partners Supporting Right to Counsel in Miami-Dade